Flying Colors
Presenting Sponsor - $10,000 (one available)
8 Complimentary event tickets. Logo recognition in event materials. Logo recognition in member e-newsletter. Name on Annual Donor Wall. Name with hyperlink on CMTM's Partners In Play webpage. Name in Annual Report. Recognition on social media channels with over 20,000 followers leading up to event.
Premier Sponsor - $5,000
4 Complimentary event tickets. Logo recognition in event materials. Logo recognition in member e-newsletter. Name on Annual Donor Wall. Name with hyperlink on CMTM's Partners In Play webpage. Name in Annual Report. Recognition on social media channels with over 20,000 followers leading up to event.
Major Sponsor - $2,500
2 Complimentary event tickets. Recognition in event materials. Logo recognition in member e-newsletter. Recognition on social media channels with over 20,000 followers leading up to event.
Supporting Sponsor- $1,000
Recognition in event materials. Logo recognition in member e-newsletter. Recognition on social media channels with over 20,000 followers leading up to event.
Underwriters - $250+
In order to include business partners of all sizes, we will have opportunities for event expenses to be underwritten which are a lower price point but still offer benefits and visibility. Benefits are customizable and will depend on the level of gift.
We would love to partner with your business on this event and would be happy to discuss a partnership that fits your business' needs.
For more information, please contact the Development Office at (207) 828-1234 x276 or at